PositivMasc Conference Videos

PositivMasc conference videos October 19th and 20th, 2022.

1. October 19th morning sessions presentations: a. Prof. Michael Flood´s lecture on “how do we critically think about masculinity and VAW today?” and b. PositivMasc project paper session named “how young people (men and women, 18-24 years) understand masculinities and VAW?”, chaired by Dr. Claire Edwards https://play.ki.se/media/PositivMasc+Conference+Video+-+19+October+2022%2C+morning+session/0_gzu8uc94

2. October 19th afternoon sessions presentations: a. Thematic session: Gender transformative intervention to promote positive masculinities and/or engage young people in VAW prevention. What works? Speakers: Dr. Jorge Marcos-Marcos, Prof. Michael Flood and Dr. Gary Barker.


3. October 20th morning sessions presentations: a. Paper session: Strategies and action to promote positive masculinities: Findings from our multi-country concept mapping study. Speaker: Prof. Nihaya Daoud. b. Presentation of educational material, policy briefs, and videos. Speakers: Prof. Carmen Vives-Cases and Dr. Krizia Nardini. and c. Paper session: Promoting and overcoming barriers for positive masculinities: an example from Ireland. Speaker: Dr. Robert Bolton.


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Mariano Salazar 2022-11-08